Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett white
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett white

Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett white
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett natural
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett light grey mottled
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett light grey mottled
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett dark grey mottled
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett black
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett light yellow
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett marsipan
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett mandel
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett beige mottled
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett medium brown mottled
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett eikenøtt
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett mork brun
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett caffe latte
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett lys eikenøtt
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett perlerosa
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett dyp korall
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett dusty pink
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett gammelrosa
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett scarlet red
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett red
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett mauve
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett covered pink
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett magenta
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett navy
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett dazzling blue
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett blue
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett light blue
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett artic ice
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett mørk blå
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett aqua
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett skoggrønn
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett støvet lys grønn
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett pistasj is
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett urban chic

Babyull Lanett

Sandnes Garn

Ordre nr. D010001105-col.1001
På lager: 66
Klar til afsendelse; levering tager typisk 3-5 arbejdsdage
56,00 DKK
(DKK 1.120,00/1kg)

Lieferung nur innerhalb der EU möglich EU Flag

Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett white
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett natural
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett light grey mottled
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett light grey mottled
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett dark grey mottled
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett black
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett light yellow
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett marsipan
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett mandel
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett beige mottled
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett medium brown mottled
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett eikenøtt
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett mork brun
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett caffe latte
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett lys eikenøtt
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett perlerosa
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett dyp korall
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett dusty pink
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett gammelrosa
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett scarlet red
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett red
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett mauve
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett covered pink
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett magenta
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett navy
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett dazzling blue
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett blue
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett light blue
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett artic ice
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett mørk blå
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett aqua
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett skoggrønn
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett støvet lys grønn
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett pistasj is
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett urban chic


  • Komposition: 100% Wool
  • Løbelængde: ca.175 m / 50 g
  • Pinde: 3 mm
  • Strikkefasthed: 27 = 10 cm
  • Forbrug til damesweater størrelse M: 400g
  • Vaske anvisninger: Machine washable in delicate wool mode
Sandnes Garn Babyull Lanett is the best baby yarn ever! Versatile, easy to care for and as a merino yarn absolutely scratch-free. Ideal for knitting baby things and for everything that should be easy to care for, practical and beautiful. The color palette is a dream and leaves no combination wish open. Also suitable for multicolor knitting. Merino yarn is naturally scratch-free due to its nature. The superwash treatment makes it easy to care for. Numerous Sandnes Garn patterns can be found in the wonderful Sandnes Garn booklets.

Passer til dit valg


Uld Vask


Kremke Soul Wool

Karma Cotton Recycled

Kremke Soul Wool

Baby Alpaca

1 Kunde anmeldelser

5,00 Stjerner


Ganz klar eines meiner Lieblingsgarne: warm, weich, schönes Maschenbild, leicht zu verstricken. TIP: Ich lasse ein Seide/Mohair Garn gerne mitlaufen und kann dadurch eine Nadelstärke höher gehen.

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