Rowan Creative Linen pumpkin
Rowan Creative Linen pumpkin

Rowan Creative Linen pumpkin
Rowan Creative Linen raspberry
Rowan Creative Linen stormy
Rowan Creative Linen oasis
Rowan Creative Linen apple

Creative Linen


Ordre nr. D019802143-col.651
På lager: 5
Klar til afsendelse; levering tager typisk 3-5 arbejdsdage
95,00 DKK
(DKK 950,00/1kg)

Lieferung nur innerhalb der EU möglich EU Flag

Rowan Creative Linen pumpkin
Rowan Creative Linen raspberry
Rowan Creative Linen stormy
Rowan Creative Linen oasis
Rowan Creative Linen apple


  • Komposition: 50% cotton, 50% linen
  • Løbelængde: ca. 200 m / 100 g
  • Pinde: 4,5 mm
  • Strikkefasthed: 21 = 10 cm
  • Forbrug til damesweater størrelse M: 650g
  • Vaske anvisninger: Hand wash
A great summer yarn in cotton and linen. With Rowan Creative Linen you can knit beautiful summer sweaters or accessories like a sun hat, or knit a light jacket. Cotton can absorb a lot of moisture and doesn't scratch at all. Vegan yarn is a good alternative for those who do not want to use animal fibers. Linen and cotton are the ideal fibers for summer knitting, as they do not warm well and even have an antibacterial effect. As the colors are also free of animal ingredients, Creative Linen is a vegan yarn.

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Sandnes Garn



Kremke Soul Wool

Karma Cotton Recycled


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