Rowan Softyak DK cream
Rowan Softyak DK cream

Rowan Softyak DK cream
Rowan Softyak DK pampas
Rowan Softyak DK jaune
Rowan Softyak DK prairie
Rowan Softyak DK plain
Rowan Softyak DK submarine
Rowan Softyak DK terrain
Rowan Softyak DK heath

Softyak DK


Ordre nr. D019802192-col.230
På lager: 11
Klar til afsendelse; levering tager typisk 3-5 arbejdsdage
85,00 DKK
(DKK 1.700,00/1kg)

Lieferung nur innerhalb der EU möglich EU Flag

Rowan Softyak DK cream
Rowan Softyak DK pampas
Rowan Softyak DK jaune
Rowan Softyak DK prairie
Rowan Softyak DK plain
Rowan Softyak DK submarine
Rowan Softyak DK terrain
Rowan Softyak DK heath


  • Komposition: 76% cotton, 15% yak, 9% nylon
  • Løbelængde: ca. 135 m / 50 g
  • Pinde: 4 mm
  • Strikkefasthed: 22 = 10 cm
  • Forbrug til damesweater størrelse M: 500g
  • Vaske anvisninger: Machine wash in delicate mode at 30C
Rowan Softyak DK is the cotton blend yarn for every occasion, but with that certain extra! In fact, there are several extras: 12% yak gives the cotton yarn a softness it doesn't usually have. 9% nylon make the wool even more durable and somewhat lighter. The blend is spun as a chain yarn: here the yarn is not plied, but knitted with itself to form a long "knitting fleece" tube. This keeps the knitted pieces beautifully dimensionally stable. And the last extra: the wool is also machine-washable! So you can knit things for your baby, sweaters or a baby blanket without worrying.

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Karma Cotton Recycled

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