Sandnes Garn Kos natural
Sandnes Garn Kos natural

Sandnes Garn Kos natural
Sandnes Garn Kos porselen
Sandnes Garn Kos light grey mottled
Sandnes Garn Kos grey mottled
Sandnes Garn Kos black
Sandnes Garn Kos solgul
Sandnes Garn Kos lys marsipan
Sandnes Garn Kos beige
Sandnes Garn Kos beige mottled
Sandnes Garn Kos eikenøtt
Sandnes Garn Kos skogbrun
Sandnes Garn Kos poppy
Sandnes Garn Kos equestrian red
Sandnes Garn Kos cognac
Sandnes Garn Kos shocking pink
Sandnes Garn Kos jazzy pink
Sandnes Garn Kos blabaer
Sandnes Garn Kos navy
Sandnes Garn Kos dutch blue
Sandnes Garn Kos skyblue
Sandnes Garn Kos dazzling blue
Sandnes Garn Kos støvet lys grønn
Sandnes Garn Kos lys olivengronn
Sandnes Garn Kos dyp olivengronn
Sandnes Garn Kos sunny lime


Sandnes Garn

Ordre nr. D010001196-col.1012
På lager: 86
Klar til afsendelse; levering tager typisk 3-5 arbejdsdage
91,00 DKK
(DKK 1.820,00/1kg)

Lieferung nur innerhalb der EU möglich EU Flag

Sandnes Garn Kos natural
Sandnes Garn Kos porselen
Sandnes Garn Kos light grey mottled
Sandnes Garn Kos grey mottled
Sandnes Garn Kos black
Sandnes Garn Kos solgul
Sandnes Garn Kos lys marsipan
Sandnes Garn Kos beige
Sandnes Garn Kos beige mottled
Sandnes Garn Kos eikenøtt
Sandnes Garn Kos skogbrun
Sandnes Garn Kos poppy
Sandnes Garn Kos equestrian red
Sandnes Garn Kos cognac
Sandnes Garn Kos shocking pink
Sandnes Garn Kos jazzy pink
Sandnes Garn Kos blabaer
Sandnes Garn Kos navy
Sandnes Garn Kos dutch blue
Sandnes Garn Kos skyblue
Sandnes Garn Kos dazzling blue
Sandnes Garn Kos støvet lys grønn
Sandnes Garn Kos lys olivengronn
Sandnes Garn Kos dyp olivengronn
Sandnes Garn Kos sunny lime


  • Komposition: 62% alpaca, 29% nylon, 9% wool
  • Løbelængde: ca.150 m / 50 g
  • Pinde: 5-6 mm
  • Strikkefasthed: 18 = 10 cm
  • Forbrug til damesweater størrelse M: 350g
  • Vaske anvisninger: Machine wash in delicate mode at 30C
Sandnes Garn Kos is a "Blowyarn" in which alpaca and merino fibers are blown into a polyamide tube. This makes the yarn particularly soft and, above all, light! Although knitted with a large needle, one ball lasts a long way. Even large pieces like blankets or jackets in oversize style can be knitted with Sandnes Kos. Numerous Sandnes Garn patterns can be found in the wonderful Sandnes Garn booklets.

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