BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk Naturweiß
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk Naturweiß

BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk natural white
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk egg shell
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk taupe
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk nougat
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk salmon
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk baby pink
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk lobster
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk raspberry
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk purpur
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk cyclam
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk cherry
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk 						cardinal red
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk orange
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk peach
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk lemon
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk dusty gold
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk moss
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk olive
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk bottle green
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk forest green
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk mint
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk turquoise
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk jeans blue
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk baby blue
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk royal blue
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk night blue
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk grape
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk erica
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk lilac
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk silver
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk medium grey
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk khaki
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk aubergine
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk black

Jaipur Peace Silk

BC Garn

Order no. 111010310-49
Stock: > 200
Ready for dispatch; delivery usually takes 2 - 4 working days
22,50 €
(€ 450,00/1kg)
incl. statutory VAT, plus shipping
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk natural white
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk egg shell
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk taupe
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk nougat
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk salmon
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk baby pink
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk lobster
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk raspberry
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk purpur
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk cyclam
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk cherry
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk 						cardinal red
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk orange
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk peach
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk lemon
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk dusty gold
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk moss
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk olive
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk bottle green
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk forest green
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk mint
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk turquoise
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk jeans blue
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk baby blue
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk royal blue
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk night blue
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk grape
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk erica
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk lilac
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk silver
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk medium grey
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk khaki
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk aubergine
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk black

Product Information

  • Material: 100% silk (Eri)
  • Yardage: 300m/50g
  • Needle: 2-3 mm
  • Gauge: 24 = 10 cm
  • Material Consumption for women's jumper size M: 300g
  • Washing instructions: hand wash only
    Attention: yarn may bleed
On an Eri silk worm farm in the Northeast of Thailand, the raw material for this wonderful silk yarn is harvested in a totally cruelty-free way: The cocoons of the Eri silkworm, which is a different breed than the mulberry silk worm. It lives for example on Maniok plants and spins a different kind of cocoon. The worm "eats his way out of the cocoon" and flies away before the cocoon is harvested by hand and then cooked to gain the precious thread. In the case of mulberry silk, the cocoons are cooked with the silk worms inside in order to obtain an endless thread. As far as our research shows, we are the only brand that offers this precious and eco-friendly yarn for the hand-knitting industry.

Eri silk has a subtle shimmer but is not as shiny as mulberry silk, because the thread is not endless, but just as heavy and therefore nicely drapy. It has a „dryer" look and feel, more resembling a bourette silk, although Jaipur Peace Silk is more evenly spun and is much more stable than for example our bourette silk Soft Silk. Jaipur Peace Silk has the same gauge as our good old friend Jaipur Silk Fino, so all patterns for that yarn can easily be used for this animal-friendly new silk alternative.

Try it for super drapy shawls and scarves!

Note: The typical fiber properties of silk mean it is not elastic and has a tendency to grow after washing. So please take this into consideration when swatching. It may lengthen by about 10%.

Also: Silk absorbs a lot of dye stuff. Some bleeding of darker colors is unavoidable. Please rinse in vinegar water until clear before mixing with light colors or wearing on a white blouse.

There may be excess dye in some of the colors. We recommend to rinse the yarn in cold water before use; finish with a rinse of water added a little vinegar. Always wash in cold water. To preserve the shiny surface of the mulberry silk, Jaipur Silk Fino must be washed by hand, use a neutral shampoo and finish with a rinse of water added a little vinegar.

Additional images

BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk
BC Garn Jaipur Peace Silk

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6 Customer reviews

5,00 Stars

Tolles Garn

Mir gefällt das Garn sehr gut und schimmert ganz toll, ich musste mir eine Spindel und Abrollzubehör kaufen, damit das Garn nicht verknotet.

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Petra K.

Wunderschöne Farben, toller Glanz

Die Farben sind wunderschön und das Garn hat einen tollen Glanz. Allerdings ist für mich persönlich zu dünn, da ich nicht sehr gerne mit Nadelstärke 2,5 arbeite.
Ich finde es geeignet für ein Sommertop.
Ich habe mir jetzt noch die Babysilk Lace dazu bestellt und stricke jetzt einen federleichten Sommerpulli daraus in NS 3,5. Da kommt dann zwar nicht der Glanz zur Geltung, aber es strickt sich super angenehm.

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Wunderschöne Farbe

Ich habe mir das Garn in waldgrün gekauft und bin ganz hin und weg, die Farbe ist in echt sogar noch schöner als auf dem Foto. Seidiger Griff und Schimmer, ein wirklich edles Garn.

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Brigitte Pittner


Dieses Seidengarn lässt sich wunderbar stricken, fühlt sich sehr weich an. Allerdings muss man aufpassen, es rutscht leicht mal eine Masche von der Nadel.
Sicher werde ich wieder diese Wolle kaufen.

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Manchmal ...

.... weiß ich wirklich nicht, wie ich ein Garn beschreiben soll. Traumhaft? Wunderschön? Einzigartig? Egal, diese Seide ist alles!! Traumhaft zart in der Haptik! Wunderschön in den Farben! Einzigartig was das Garn betrifft! Und - supertoll zu stricken. Die Farben entsprachen meinen Vorstellungen und passen hervorragend zu meinen Projekt. Gerne immer wieder.

10 Persons find this review useful!
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Question not a review:

What is the suggested size of the crochet hook? Perhaps one number higher than the needles, im guessing? It varies from country to country i suppose

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